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Thankful Tribute



  September 27, 2024 UPDATE:

 We just concluded our 60th Class Reunion!  Our Classmates' closeness, camaraderie, and connectedness were readily apparent.  Someone suggested that was due to the class website, and although I believe that has a great deal of merit, there is another reason that bears repeating.  

The message below is one that I tried to convey but I am not sure that everyone heard me.   The sentiment below from the 45th and 50th Reunions is just as true today as it was then.


"A THANKFUL TRIBUTE ":                                                     

It's nice to collect kudos, but the work of many people went into this reunion effort.

It’s humbling to think of Jenny Hammerstein Sorg and Binky Beaudway Mavis who, together, ran all of our reunions for the first 35 years, virtually single-handedly, without the aid of the Internet and Google searches, without email, and without a large body of volunteers, since, at that time, most of us were still actively employed and maybe putting kids through school, etc. 


What did they have? Just themselves, telephones, the US Postal Service, and a lot of hard work and dedication. Fast forward a few decades, to find we have the potential to have more volunteers, with many more collective years of experience in various fields to bring to the reunion effort and even, for some, a little time on their hands…with a big boost from technology.


Yet one of the very first things our Core Steering Committee did was consult “The Reunion Gurus” from 1964 ,and began building on their input. They carried us for 35 + years & were indispensable for giving us our initial direction.

 Jenny and Binky, you and all your hard work are never forgotten, so a HUGE THANK YOU on behalf of the 45th & 50th Reunion Committees, of which you're both part and our entire class!.