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Class of 1964
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South Side High School
Class of 1964
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South Side High School
Class of 1964
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Home Page
I'm New, Now What?
In Memory
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60th Reunion Photo Galleries
60th Reunion's "Helping Hands"
Thankful Tribute
Nostalgia Tables & Memorabilia Boards
"Looking Back ...."
Saturday DAY
SS Tour - Journey thru Time
Sunday Brunch
ReunionMania Weekend - Friday
"You're Invited - Our Tours"
Is it Possible...!?
What's New
1964 History/Videos
Alumni Membership*
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Classmates In California: 15
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Claudia A. Adams (Williams)
Elaine M. Chipko (Uomini)
Rosalie A. Curtis
Nadia Kapynos (Cipriani)
Janet S. Kelley (Fisher)
Eric A. Knabe
Marcia K. Leath
Vicki L. Palmer
Roger A. Post
Wanda A. Ripple (Hamm)
Tania Shevchenko (Chadwick Healy Rush)
Gregory Alan Smith
Susan D. Tancey (Stonley)
Sharon Kay Wright (Miller)
Michael K. Zerminski